Dental Crowns

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At Eichhorn and Cooper Dental, our experienced team routinely performs advanced dental crown procedures, restoring function and aesthetics for compromised teeth. Whether due to breakage, decay, or cosmetic concerns, our custom-designed crowns provide lasting solutions and renewed confidence.

What is a Dental Crown?

Eichhorn and Cooper Dental understands the power of dental crowns for both health and aesthetics. Our meticulous approach prioritizes protecting compromised teeth while ensuring natural-looking restorations. Whether for decay, damage, or cosmetic improvement, our crowns offer strength, function, and seamless integration with your smile. Experience renewed confidence and oral health with our expert care.

You may need a dental crown if you experience one or more of the following concerns:

What is the Process of Getting a Crown?

The crown placement process typically takes two appointments. During the first appointment, we will prepare the tooth for the crown and place a temporary restoration that you will wear until the permanent crown is ready. When you return for your second appointment, we will remove the temporary crown and place your permanent crown.

Ensuring a Lasting Smile

It is vital for patients who have had a dental crown placed to follow proper aftercare instructions for the procedure. Taking diligent care of the restoration can keep the crown strong and ensure a beautiful and lasting smile. Follow your dental hygiene recommendations.

Are You Interested in Dental Crowns in Searcy, AR?

If you have a tooth in need of a crown, we’d be happy to set up an appointment for you. Call the office of Eichhorn and Cooper Dental to see if this solution is right for you!

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